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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China (Grant No. 61401011), the National Key Technologies R & D Program of China (Grant No. 2015BAG15B01), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1533119).
The genetic algorithm (GA) is a nature-inspired evolutionary algorithm to find optima in search space via the interaction of individuals. Recently, researchers demonstrated that the interaction topology plays an important role in information exchange among individuals of evolutionary algorithm. In this paper, we investigate the effect of different network topologies adopted to represent the interaction structures. It is found that GA with a high-density topology ends up more likely with an unsatisfactory solution, contrarily, a low-density topology can impede convergence. Consequently, we propose an improved GA with dynamic topology, named DT-GA, in which the topology structure varies dynamically along with the fitness evolution. Several experiments executed with 15 well-known test functions have illustrated that DT-GA outperforms other test GAs for making a balance of convergence speed and optimum quality. Our work may have implications in the combination of complex networks and computational intelligence.
Optimization problems arise in almost every field of science, engineering and business. Many of these problems are large-scale and nonlinear that cannot be solved analytically by traditional mathematic programming. Consequently, the evolutionary algorithm was proposed to address these problems. The evolutionary algorithm derived from biological entities and natural processes is used to search the optimum of a problem under certain conditions via the evolution of individuals. Many efforts have been dedicated to the algorithm in recent decades.[1–3]
The genetic algorithm (GA), a classical evolutionary algorithm, was proposed in 1975.[4] In GA, a population of candidate solutions to an optimization problem is evolved toward better solutions using operators inspired by the natural evolution, such as inheritance, selection, crossover, and mutation. In essence, the optimization process of the algorithm is based on information exchange among individuals. As GA has been successfully applied in a wide range of fields because of briefness, universality, and strong robustness,[5–8] lots of related work springs up.
A series of work investigated the code scheme to improve the efficiency. Binary code was adopted in the traditional GA proposed by Hollstien et al.[9,10] Goldberg et al. introduced a real-coded genetic algorithm (RC-GA) using the floating-point or other high-cardinality coding in their chromosomes.[11] Another series of work were aimed at parameter control. Srinivas et al. recommended an adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA),[12] wherein, the probabilities of crossover and mutation are varied depending on the fitness values of the solutions. Additionally, there were other researchers devoted to solving the multi-objective problem. In 2002, Deb et al. introduced a fast and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), using a fast nondominated sorting approach, which can solve the multi-objective problems more efficiently.[13] In 2007, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) was presented by Zhang.[14] Until now, a variety of latest theoretical fruits have never stopped being introduced to improving GA. From the above, most of the previous works have made a contribution to the improvement of GA through the modifications of code scheme, parameter control, and objective expression. However, to the best of our knowledge, the interaction structure among individuals has not been taken into consideration.
Much evidence has shown that the structural properties are the key parts of dynamical processes in complex networks.[15,16] In recent studies, complex networks[17–19] were employed to represent the interaction structure among individuals in evolutionary algorithms (EA). In particular, it has been discovered that the network structural properties play key roles in Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm.[20–23] Hence, it reminds us to investigate the effects of various topologies on the performance of GA. The topologies from ring to fully-connected are used to test the performance variation of regular topologies with different network densities. We found that GA with a high-density topology converges more likely with an unsatisfactory solution. However, GA with a low-density topology possesses a slower convergence speed. Since the high-density and low-density topology have their disadvantage respectively, the GA with a new dynamic topology, named DT-GA, is proposed in which the network density of topology varies depending on the fitness values of the solution. To demonstrate the power of the method, the algorithm is evaluated using 15 famous benchmark functions. It is found that DT-GA gives rise to a better balance between the convergence speed and the optimum quality, outperforming the traditional GA.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reports the effects of various topologies on the performance of GA and provides the method of GA with dynamic topology. Section 3 presents the performance of DT-GA and other test GAs. Section 4 gives the conclusion.
GA is one of the evolutionary algorithms that mimics the process of natural evolution and selection. Theoretically speaking, GA is a dynamical iterative process. During the iterative process, GA proceeds to initialize a population of solutions and then to improve it through recurrent application of genetic operators including selection, crossover, and mutation operator. Commonly, the algorithm terminates when either a maximum number of generations has been reached, or a satisfactory fitness level has been reached for the population.
Selection is one of the important operators existing in GA. In each generation, the fitness value of every individual in the population is evaluated. The individuals with high fitness value are stochastically selected from the current population and then form a new generation. Mutation represents the changes in gene of an individual. The role of mutation is to provide a guarantee that the search algorithm is not trapped at a local optimum.[24]
Crossover operator inevitably involves generating new individuals for improving search efficiency in the solution space. Crossover operator is introduced for two individuals (parents), so that they can combine to produce two more individuals (children). In crossover operator, the inter-individual interactions in the population can be abstracted as complex networks, where the individuals can be represented by the vertices and the interactions among individuals can be denoted by the edges. Now that a crossover operator may be executed between any two individuals in the canonical GA, the interaction structure can be represented by a fully-connected topology.
In the diagram of Fig.
The essence of genetic operators can be explained by the schema theorem proposed by Holland.[24] In GA, a schema is propagated if individuals in the current generation match it and so do those in the next generation. Holland’s schema theorem demonstrated that short, low-order schemata with above-average fitness increase exponentially in successive generations. GA is a set of operations for schemata of chromosome in nature. The highly fit schemata are propagated to next generation through the selection operator. Then, the schemata are recombined by crossover operator. In mutation operator, the schemata are mutated to generate new schemata. In conclusion, the schemata evolve to higher fitness value in successive generations, which build the globally optimal solution.
A real-valued function set F = {f1 (x), f2 (x), …,f15(x)} consisting of 15 well-known benchmark functions (f1f10,[25]f11f15[26]) is employed to illustrate the performance of t optimization algorithms. These 15 test functions are shown in Table
![]() | Table 1. The flow diagram of genetic algorithm. . |
The first six functions are unimodal functions, and the next nine functions are multimodal functions designed with a considerable amount of local minima. All test functions are tested with the dimension of 30. Stimulations are carried out to find the global minimum of each function.
In previously established GAs, the interaction structure is assumed to be a fully-connected topology. It is possible that a crossover operator can be executed between any two individuals in a population. However, the information dissemination velocity depends on the network density, e.g., in the fully-connected topology, each individual’s information can be quickly transferred to all other individuals which may cause convergence rapidly with an unsatisfactory solution. Since it was demonstrated that the network structural properties play key roles in PSO algorithm, we are inspired to investigate the effects of various topologies on the performance of GA.
Holland’s schema theorem demonstrated that the schemata with high fitness increase exponentially in successive generations, which makes it possible for GA to search the global optimum. Hence, the crossover is the key operator in which short, low-order schemata with above-average fitness are recombined and find the global optimum in the end. We applied the network topology to represent the population interaction structure in GA. A schema matched by an individual represents the information of a vertex in the network. In crossover operator, the recombination of schemata can be abstracted as information dissemination among vertices in the network. The dissemination of schemata-matched global optimum in the network will improve the solution quality. However, the dissemination of schemata-matched local optimum will cause convergence with an unsatisfactory local optimum. Therefore, in a high-density topology, the information dissemination is too fast to escape from the local optimum. Moreover, the global optimum will be obtained more likely in a low-density topology, though it may impede convergence because of the slow dissemination of information. Hence we use the topologies from the ring to complete connection to test the algorithm performance variation of regular topologies with different network density represented by the average degree (Fig.
In order to investigate the effect of network density, all the topologies above are tested in the framework of RC–GA[11] for the optimization of 15 benchmark functions (Table
For GA with different topologies, the size of population is set to 100, the probability of crossover and mutation is set to 0.8 and 0.01. Schaffer recommended the range of parameters in GA.[27] Since the algorithms are stochastic, their performance on each test function is evaluated based on statistics obtained from 50 independent runs.
The quality of the averaged optimal fitness is shown in Table
![]() | Table 2 Average and standard deviation of the best fitness found by GA with different network densities. . |
Theoretically speaking, GA finds the globally optimal solution by obtaining the balance between exploration and exploitation.[28] We find that a low-density topology may benefit exploration while a high-density topology facilitates exploitation. Thus, a dynamic variation from ring network to fully-connected topology may trade off the exploration and exploitation throughout the optimization process, resulting in a good performance. Eiben analyzed adaptive parameter control methods in evolutionary algorithms.[29,30] Srinivas proposed adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in genetic algorithms.[12] They insisted that some form of feedback from the search process should be used to determine the direction and/or magnitude of the change to the strategy parameter.
In our algorithm, the network density is modified through the feedback of convergence degree from the search process. To vary network density dynamically, it is essential to identify whether the GA is converging to an optimum. The difference between the average and minimum fitness values, Δ = f̄ – fmin, is used as a yardstick for detecting the convergence degree of the GA. In addition, to improve the universality of the algorithm, Δ is normalized according to γ with Eq. (
To evaluate the efficiency of the DT-GA, we compare the optimal fitness obtained from DT-GA with other test GAs whose interaction structures are abstracted as different static network topologies showed in Fig.
For DT-GA, the population sizes are set to 100, the probabilities of crossover and mutation are set to 0.8 and 0.01 respectively. c is set to 50. For each test function, the algorithm executed 50 runs independently. All simulations are performed on a PC with 3.2 GHz CPU and 12 GB of RAM. All GAs are implemented in C++ language.
A summary of the results is presented in Table
![]() | Table 3. Average and standard deviation for the best fitness found by test GAs. . |
The essence of the algorithm can be illustrated by Fig.
At the beginning of evolution, the network density is set to 2 considering the information dissemination of the ring network (K = 2) is so slow that GA has enough time to find a better optimum. When the convergence speed slows down, the convergence degree decreases and K increases inversely since a high-density network can speed up convergence. Therefore, the negative correlation between convergence degree and network density makes DT-GA trade off the exploration and exploitation throughout the optimization process
In this paper, we have investigated the effects of various topologies on the performance of GA and proposed an improved GA with dynamic topology. First, to evaluate the effects of topologies with different network density on the performance of GA, the topologies from ring to fully-connected have been used to represent the interaction structure in GA. It is convinced that GAs high-density topology are more likely to give out an imperfect solution, while a low-density topology may prevent convergence. Then, we have proposed a GA with dynamic topology, named DT-GA. To demonstrate the efficiency of the method, the algorithm has been evaluated using 15 famous benchmark functions. The results have illustrated that DT-GA gives rise to a better balance between the convergence speed and the optimum quality. Nonetheless, our algorithm can be further improved in the convergence speed. In future study, the evolutionary algorithm will be introduced in other complex network with shorter average path length and larger clustering coefficient, e.g., the small-world network and the scale-free network.
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